วันจันทร์ที่ 23 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2558

IT Recruitment – The Value of a University Degree

shutterstock_178688252-1Going back a couple of generations, to have a university degree was for the bright few. For the next generation, degrees became a lot more common – degrees became as common as A Levels. The changes in how tuition fees are funded means students today are questioning the real value of a degree, particularly if it is not compulsory for the chosen career.
A recent study reveals how UK recruitment professionals perceive the value of a degree in the current job market. Over 50% of people admitted if they could turn back the clock they would choose NOT to go to university.
The research was executed by CV-Library and targeted the country’s leading recruiters to establish the main issues effecting graduate employment and the value of a degree in today’s working environment. The research was reported on by Owain Matthews. Over 700 recruiters responded. Some of the key findings were:
  1. 8% would choose not to go to university.
  2. In the current job climate 81.4% believe a degree is becoming less essential to securing a job.
  3. Over the next 10 years 47.2% believe degrees will have an even smaller value. 33.6% believed degrees will have the same value as today. Just 19.2% believed they would be more important.
  4. shutterstock_206503516-12% suggested degrees were only important for securing jobs that demand one.
  5. Less than 25% thought the number of graduate job opportunities will rise.
Despite these key findings, 90.6% of the recruiters firmly believe the most employable candidates are those with a relevant degree and excellent work experience.
At ISL Recruitment we believe it continues to be difficult for young people to secure their first career role. Having  a degree gives you the time to gain some work experience in different industries so you can be confident when you start working full time you are in the right place. Of course the ideal is all the right work experience and relevant qualifications. ……
Contact us for information on graduate and non-graduate opportunities. We’d love to talk to you.

